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Client: Cassandra Vieten
Writer: Tom Joyce
Art Director / Photographer: Tom Joyce
Videographer: Bill Zemanek
Founded in the early 1970s by Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, the Institute of Noetic Sciences [IONS] has been the leading organization studying human consciousness for more than forty years. By the late 1990s, IONS had an active membership of 55,000, but a decade later it had dropped to 4,000 through attrition. The IONS Board approved a social media campaign to entice a younger audience, with the caveat that it not alienate the long-time members who have been providing support to the Institute for years. The result was "I am IONS," a print and video campaign wherein young and old gave a personal pitch as to why they support the Institute's work. [ ] Creativewerks interviewed twenty supporters across a spectrum of age, gender and ethnicity. The resulting stories were posted on social media, encouraging many others to add their voices to the appeal.

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